Clean Sweep Cremation Equipment Eliminating Difficulties in a Clean Sweep

Saving Time

The design of the the Clean Sweep Air Broom is an innovative tool that saves processing time and maximizes profitability. The broom is lightweight and on wheels, which means you'll spend less time collecting the remains while having to stand and feel the heat of the chamber. Naturally, this will increase both the operator's safety and the cremation's efficiency.

Keeping it Clean

The Clean Sweep Air Broom's proficiency will minimize the possibility of commingling of ashes. It also eliminates any residue that is created by the scraping of the steel brushes. Our system's new process results in cleaner, purer remains.

Saving Money

Clean Sweep is an economically sound system. The Air Broom keeps the floor of the cremation chamber free of any damage caused by the abusive nature of the steel bristle brushes with its gentle air flow, which increases your savings by eliminating the cost of replacement steel brushes.

Who's Using Clean Sweep?

These Reputable Cemeteries Are:

  • Mt. Pleasant Cemetery - Center Moriches, NY
  • Greenwood Cemetery - Brooklyn, NY
  • St. Michael Cemetery - Boston, MA
  • Affordable Burial and Cremation - Austin, TC
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